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王俊凱英文新歌叫什麼名字 王俊凱Ain’t Got No Love歌詞含義

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《Ain’t Got No Love》。

近日,王俊凱英文新歌上線,王俊凱Ain’t Got No Love網友直呼太好聽了,王俊凱其實是一個十分有實力的人,王俊凱英文新歌剛發佈就收穫到了大家的認可,因爲實在是太好聽了,旋律非常中毒。王俊凱發佈自己的第一首英文歌《Ain’t Got No Love》,一改往常含蓄的風格 ,講述一場關於愛情裏的失去與灑脫,用溫柔的聲線完美詮釋本我的瀟灑態度!

王俊凱英文新歌Ain’t Got No Love中,保留少年時期的清澈與乾淨,二十歲的青年聲音中增添幾分灑脫與銳意,歌聲直擊心靈,滿含情感的尾音極富感染力,極簡風格全新英文單曲,一首歌的時間講訴動人的故事,歌的風格真的太好了,比較對大衆胃口。

王俊凱Ain’t Got No Love作爲二十歲的第一首歌,王俊凱他的嗓音也得到了很好的發揮。畢竟是北影大三的學生,臺詞課肯定有上啊,口音也肯定會消失的,小編真的看好他,少年未來可期呢。希望王俊凱可以有更好的作品出來。

王俊凱英文新歌叫什麼名字 王俊凱Ain’t Got No Love歌詞含義

王俊凱Ain’t Got No Love歌詞含義

今日,王俊凱在20歲的生日月發佈全新歌曲《Ain’t Got No Love》 ,首度挑戰英文情歌,用全新的演唱方式,瀟灑呈現故事裏的灑脫與感悟。

7月,王俊凱以新歌《生長》爲粉絲“逆應援”,記錄着屬於王俊凱與每一位粉絲共同的成長故事,見證彼此成長。歌曲發行後登上數個影響力音樂榜單,蟬聯冠軍,取得出色成績,多位樂評人給出高評價,開啓充滿音樂的驚喜之夏。9月,迎來王俊凱20歲的生日,在這個特殊月份,王俊凱再度發表全新歌曲《Ain’t Got No Love》 ,對他來說,這不僅是一次嘗試,更是一次突破。《Ain’t Got No Love》是王俊凱首次挑戰發行全英文單曲,並採用了一種全新的演唱方式,以中高音描繪歌曲中的情感表達,直擊聽衆內心。

王俊凱英文新歌叫什麼名字 王俊凱Ain’t Got No Love歌詞含義 第2張

《Ain’t Got No Love》以Futrue Pop的曲風融合情歌歌詞,採用極簡編曲,以一把音色很有未來感的電吉他從頭貫穿至尾,搭配響指的聲音讓整體律動感更強烈,豐富的伴唱電子化處理讓音樂更有空間感。在封面上,王俊凱側躺在溫暖的光芒之中,以帶着溫度的凝視,若有所思。如歌曲名字“Ain’t Got No Love”,是一個略帶悲傷的情歌,但王俊凱卻一改情感沉重的的演繹方式,用最瀟灑的態度唱着最讓人無奈的“我不再愛你”,將故事裏的灑脫和頓悟娓娓道來。



1、少年對音樂的熱愛初心不改,一字、一句都傾情演唱。音域寬廣,曲風多變,不變的是少年的歌聲總能帶給我們聽覺的享受。少年開啓二十歲新世界,嘗試新單曲《Ain't Got No Love》的全新演繹,期待你在音樂上更多的可能。


3、少年對音樂的熱愛初心不改,一字、一句都傾情演唱。音域寬廣,曲風多變,不變的是少年的歌聲總能帶給我們聽覺的享受。少年開啓二十歲新世界,嘗試新單曲《Ain't Got No Love》的全新演繹,期待你在音樂上更多的可能。


王俊凱英文新歌叫什麼名字 王俊凱Ain’t Got No Love歌詞含義 第3張

Ain’t Got No Love完整歌詞

Ain't Got No Love - 王俊凱

詞:Sara Maria Forsberg/Josh Cumbee

曲:Sara Maria Forsberg/Josh Cumbee

編曲:Josh Cumbee

製作人:Josh Cumbee

和聲:王俊凱/Josh Cumbee

混音工程師:Brian Malouf

母帶工程師:Michelle Mancini

If I said it once I said it a thousand times before

I'm down

To lay in roses but I'm done getting cut on your thorns

Girl it's cool if you don't wanna get that close Jus' know

I'm over putting up with fires & liars for sure

For so long I gave you so much I cracked

I'm still tryna put the pieces back

I ain't got no love for you

I ain't got no love

Cuz I spent it on myself

I've been spending on myself

No I ain't got no love for you

I ain't got no love

Don't want it from nobody else

Jus' in case you couldn't tell

I'm doing fine without you

But I don't mind if you come through

Just as long as long as you're not catching feelings

Because I ain't got no love

I ain't got no love

Ain't got no more love for you

It's just a cup of coffee couple nights of skipping sleep

Jus' know

It's not the same us getting

Tangled all up in these sheets

If it ain't worth the fun

I understand you can cut and run

And find another one to do like the way you did me

For so long I gave you so much I cracked

I'm still tryna put the pieces back

Because I ain't got no love for you

I ain't got no love

Cuz I spent it on myself

I've been spending on myself

No I ain't got no love for you

I ain't got no love

Don't want it from nobody else

Jus' in case you couldn't tell

I'm doing fine without you

But I don't mind if you come through

Just as long as long as you're not catching feelings

Because I ain't got no love

I ain't got no love

Ain't got no more love for you

It's not you it's the whole thing

I got my minds on bigger better brighter things

It's a better way to spend my energy

But hey if you get a little lonely

You can call me up but baby only

If you don't forget

I ain't got no love for you

I ain't got no love

Cuz I spent it on myself

I've been spending on myself

No I ain't got no love for you

I ain't got no love

Don't want it from nobody else

Jus' in case you couldn't tell

I'm doing fine without you

But I don't mind if you come through

Just as long as long as you're not catching feelings

Because I ain't got no love

I ain't got no love

Ain't got no more love for you
